Discovery Questions

Discovery Questions

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The questions you ask help you uncover buyer needs and desires, connect with them, and demonstrate your expertise. By asking questions, you can discover the buyer’s buying process. It also allows you to qualify the sale and ensures that you and the buyer are on the same page at any given time.

Essential Discovery Questions

Listed below are some of the most essential discovery questions to excel at technology sales.

Starting Discovery Questions:

  1. Tell me about your company.
  2. Tell me about your role.
  3. Tell me about your goals (financial, customer-related, operational).
  4. How does your company value technology (always investing/or a necessary evil)?
  5. What are your top five challenges for IT/Technology this quarter/year?

Deeper dive on opening call:

  1. How does your company value technology? (Always investing / or a necessary evil)
  2. Describe you IT culture.
  3. What are your top five challenges for IT / Technology this quarter / year?
  4. The IT needs you spoke about solves what business problems?
  5. How are you tackling these problems are you trying to resolve?
  6. Do you have budget for these challenges already allocated?
  7. What’s important to you when making this decision?
  8. What do you expect from our products, our company, and our people?

Technology Discovery Questions

Once you have identified a technology need, you will want to dive in and ask specific questions regarding the technology.

Specific Questions regarding the problem:

  1. Fast forward to the end of this project, what is your desired state?
  2. How are you currently meeting your needs?
  3. What do you like and dislike about your current solution?
  4. Who besides yourself will be involved in the decision-making process?

Email Questionnaires

Listed below are customized questionnaires which can be sent out at the beginning of the discovery phase for a prospect to gather as much information as possible for the sales engineer.

Technology Discovery Documents

We have created a file which contains all our initial technology discovery documents. Once an opportunity is identified, you can send these PDF files to help gather information and get the conversation started. Click here to download the documents.

Discovery Questions

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We look forward to serving you.

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